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  • Multi-Stone Pendant


     Apparel & Accessories
    United States · New · In stock
    1 Reviews 5.0

    This multi-stone pendant has one citrine gemstone, one amethyst gemstone and one clear gemstone. It comes with one chain too.

    Amethyst gemstone can help the wearer to guard against psychic problems and overcome addition. It is also good for healing pains since amethyst gemstone can explore the spirit and mind.

    Citrine gemstone can enhance money luck and bring prosperity since citrine is the wealthy stone.

    Clear quartz pendant help to clean the bad energy and transform it to good energy. It also can help body energy healing and give refreshment.

    Each of the multi-stone pendants is approx. 3/4" in length.
    This multi-stone pendant has one citrine gemstone, one amethyst gemstone and one clear gemstone. It comes with one chain too. Amethyst gemstone can help the wearer to guard against psychic problems and overcome addition. It is also good for healing pains since amethyst gemstone can explore the spirit and mind. Citrine gemstone can enhance money luck and bring prosperity since citrine is the wealthy stone. Clear quartz pendant help to clean the bad energy and transform it to good energy. It also can help body energy healing and give refreshment. Each of the multi-stone pendants is approx. 3/4" in length.
    ·997 Views ·1 Reviews